Microsoft released the latest version of Dynamics AX7 (codename “Rainier”) as RTW (Release to Web) back in April and further released Update 1 in June.

In this article, I will be showing you how to deploy the latest version of Dynamics AX on Azure.

First, from the link below, find the description “The organization administrator should click HERE to obtain the Microsoft Dynamics AX 90 day trial offer.  This public preview offer will expire automatically within 90 days.”  and in the link “HERE” includes the public preview invitation to try out Dynamics AX.





If you already own an Office 365, Dynamics CRM, or Azure subscription, you can associate that login with this Dynamics AX trial.


Click on “Free Trial” button

Click on “Continue”


The Office 365 administration center will open up and you now have a new link “Dynamics AX”. Click on the link.


Lifecycle Services will show up on a new page/tab click on “Sign in” to continue.


When you open it for the first time, it will show you a disclaimer and privacy screen. Select the language you want to deploy, and click on “Agree”.

In the “Recent Projects” click on the “+” button to add a new project. One Dynamics AX environment means a new project.


Enter the desired proejct name. The industry is up to you to choose. Once filled in, click “Create”


Click on “+” below the “Environment”


Select Azure for the deployment environment.


You currently don’t have an Azure subscription to associate with. So the dialog below is shown. Click “Yes” to continue.


Click on “Microsoft Azure portal”.


A new window with the Azure classic portal is shown. Click on “Settings”.


Take note of the subscription ID.


Go back to the Lifecycle Services. Click on “+Add” below Azure Connector.


Enter a name you wish to set and paste the Azure subscription ID. Click on “Sign up to Azure”


Now you need to download the management certificate. Click on Download.


Return to the Azure classic portal.

Go to “Settings” and “Management Certificates” and click on “Upload certificate”.


Select the certificate file to upload.


Select the downloaded certificate “LifecycleServicesDeployment.cer”


When uploaded. The screen should show like below.


Go back to  “Lifecycle Services” again.

Select the Azure region you want.


Once added, you will see a screen below and now your Azure Subscription is associated with Lifecycle services.


Next we need to add a Dynamics AX environment. Click on “+” below the “Environment”


Select “Azure”.


Select DEMO.


You can choose the version of the demo. Here, I have selected the latest version.


Enter the environment name, and select the size of the VM. I selected D4 as that was the cheapest size in the list.


Now you are ready to deploy. Tick the box and click “Next” to continue.


Click on “Deploy”.


Now the deployment has started. Click on “DynamicsAXDemo”


Once clicked, you can see the status of the Azure Deployment.

It took me about 1 hour and a half with D4 VM size.


Once the status is set to “Deployed”, AX is ready. Click on “Login” and select “Log on to Dynamics AX”.


Dynamics AX web client will startup.


And here you have the beautiful Dynamics AX7.

